Brilliant Blue Section Leader of GAB Federation Blue Team e-Mail: |
[No 1995 beta or BB Haves unless indicated] |
Alidar Jarok x2
Alien Groupie Alynna Nechayev Barclay's Protomorphosis Disease Betazoid Gift Box Beverly Crusher Cultural Observation Devoras (Ship) Dr. La Forge x2 Dr. Leah Brahms x2 Duras Explore Dyson Sphere Explore Typhone Expanse Extraction x2 Geordi La Forge Gowron x3 Haakona (Ship) Hugh I.K.C. Bortas (Ship) I.K.C. Buruk (Ship) x2 I.K.C. Hegh'ta (Ship) x3 I.K.C. Pagh (Ship) x2 I.K.C Qu'Vat (Ship) x2 Iconia Investigation x1 Interphase Generator x3 Investigate Alien Probe Investigate Disappearance Investigate Disturbance x2 Investigate Massacre Investigate Raid x2 Investigate Rogue Comet Investigate "Shattered Space" Investigate Sighting Jaglom-Shrek-Information Broker x2 K'Ehleyr x4 Khazara (Ship) x2 Ktarian Game x4 Kurak Kurlain Naiskos x2 Kurn x2 Leah Brahms x2 Lore Returns Lursa x2 Lwaxanna Troi Morgan Bateson x2 Nagilum New Contact Pi (Ship) x3 Ro Laren Sarjenka Sarthong Plunder x2 Satelk Shelby Sir Isaac Newton Study Nebula x3 Tam Elbrun x2 Temporal Causality Loop Thomas Riker Thought Maker x2 Time Travel Pod x2 |
Alternate Universe Haves: |
Berlingoff Rasmussen x4
Brute Force x3 Compromised Mission x3 Cryosatellite x2 Data's Head Diplomatic Conference x2 FGC-47 Research Fissure Research x3 Gomtuu x4 Jack Crusher x2 Ophidian Cane x2 Ressikan Flute x2 Reunion x4 Risa Shore Leave Samuel Clemens' Pocketwatch Tasha Yar-Alternate x2 U.S.S. Enterprise-C Vorgon Raiders Warped Space |
**Blaze of Glory Haves:
**Please Note: Most BOG cards were manufactured so the black border on the left side is usually not as wide as the right side, or vice versa, making the cards appear uncentered. This was a problem in almost the entire print run, and mine are no exception, so please don't expect well centered cards. The cards are otherwise Mint/nm unplayed. |
Holo Foils:
Fajo's Gallery IKC Negh'Var Koloth La Forge Impersonator Regular Rares: Chief O'Brien (Romulan Holographic Re-creation) Chula: The Abyss Elim Gul Madred IKC Koraga IKC Negh'Var x2 Ixtana'Rax Kang x2 Kraxon x4 La Forge Impersonator x2 Morka Odo Founder Outgunned Riker Wil x2 |
**Please Help me complete my set! I will trade in your favor!** |
Ds9 Rare Wants:
(* means common/fixed mission from starter deck) (HBWA) Means have but want another (HBWBC) Means Have But Want Better copy Automated Security System (HBWBC)
[Overpower] [Sim City CCG] [Star Trek The Next Generation] [Star Trek TOS] [Star Wars CCG] |